Code snippets

You will find here 294 code snippets I find useful so I don't have to Google ™ or Stackoverflow ™ them when I need. There are also code snippets I always forget! 😁 Sometimes, related links to the code will be available. The main difference with other random snippets you will find on the web is that in most cases (for the Symfony related ones) you will be able to run them directly from this website to check the output so you can verify it works as expected ™.

I always forget this one. We must set the preferred_state setting. Once the package is installed, you can restore the previous set...


Published on 2020-04-01 • Modified on 2020-04-01

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This is the kind of thing that it's easy to do with PHP. We can use unset($arr[$idx]); (and keys and preserved). But in JavaScript...


Published on 2020-03-07 • Modified on 2020-03-07

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In this snippet, we will see how to get the payload of a HTTP POST request from a Symfony controller. This is useful for example w...


Published on 2020-02-22 • Modified on 2020-02-22

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The function is not explode like in PHP. Instead, we can use the split filter (that internally uses the explode or str_split PHP f...


Published on 2020-02-10 • Modified on 2020-02-10

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In this snippet, we will see how to sort a PHP array by descending numerical value. That the type of code I sometimes forget and w...


Published on 2020-02-07 • Modified on 2020-02-07

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In this snippet, we will see how to force the download of a file by the browser from a Symfony controller. As you can see, it's ve...


Published on 2020-01-29 • Modified on 2020-01-29

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In this snippet, we will see how to randomize MySQL query results. On this website, I am using this functionality for the random ...


Published on 2020-01-27 • Modified on 2020-01-27

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This is a small trick that allows the CDN network. It's a very bad practice to use the "last" stable available versio...


Published on 2020-01-23 • Modified on 2020-01-23

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In this snippet, we will see how to manually render checkboxes of a form with Twig. This can be useful when you have special thing...


Published on 2020-01-21 • Modified on 2020-01-21

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In this snippet we will see how to use a regexp to select data in a MySQL query. First in the where clause we declare the column t...


Published on 2020-01-18 • Modified on 2020-01-18

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