Code snippets

You will find here 294 code snippets I find useful so I don't have to Google ™ or Stackoverflow ™ them when I need. There are also code snippets I always forget! 😁 Sometimes, related links to the code will be available. The main difference with other random snippets you will find on the web is that in most cases (for the Symfony related ones) you will be able to run them directly from this website to check the output so you can verify it works as expected ™.

This is a simple trick to get a random value of an array created on the fly. Of course, in this case, the array must have unique v...


Published on 2019-09-09 • Modified on 2019-09-09

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[Edit 2020-02-19] Please read my blog post on this topic. This is was my preferred way to declare and use Doctrine repositories. ...


Published on 2019-08-27 • Modified on 2020-02-17

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This is another example where the constant Twig function can be helpful. In this case we get the \DateTime::ATOM PHP constant to p...


Published on 2019-08-18 • Modified on 2019-08-18

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This is another example where the constant Twig function can be helpful. In this case we get the JSON_PRETTY_PRINT PHP constant to...


Published on 2019-08-17 • Modified on 2019-08-17

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Sometimes when using the PHP date function you need to use characters how are usually reserved to be converted in some dynamic val...


Published on 2019-08-14 • Modified on 2019-08-14

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This is a feature that was introduced in Symfony 4.1. It allows to directly inject a parameter in a route requirement instead of p...


Published on 2019-08-01 • Modified on 2019-08-01

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Sometimes it's useful to know if a form is valid inside a Twig template. Indeed, when using the form_ helpers like form_error all ...


Published on 2019-07-23 • Modified on 2019-11-08

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Sometimes it's useful to know if the debug mode is activated. (with the famous debug bar) For example for a batch process, if it i...


Published on 2019-07-22 • Modified on 2019-07-22

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I always forget how to do this! 🤔 So we load the XML with a PHP DOMDocument object then we retrieve the nodes to modify using a DO...


Published on 2019-07-18 • Modified on 2019-07-18

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[Edit 2019-12-11] I don't use these scripts anymore. Please use a real deployment tool, you won't regret it. You can find my EasyD...


Published on 2019-07-08 • Modified on 2019-12-11

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