Code snippets

You will find here 282 code snippets I find useful so I don't have to Google ™ or Stackoverflow ™ them when I need. There are also code snippets I always forget! 😁 Sometimes, related links to the code will be available. The main difference with other random snippets you will find on the web is that in most cases (for the Symfony related ones) you will be able to run them directly from this website to check the output so you can verify it works as expected ™.

In this snippet, we will see how to extract a result from a JavaScript array using the reduce function and a callback. First, we d...


Published on 2020-07-19 • Modified on 2020-07-19

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In this snippet, I will show you the changes I add to make on my configuration when I upgraded Doctrine Migrations from v2.x to v3...


Published on 2020-07-18 • Modified on 2020-07-18

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In this snippet, we will see how to detect the status of the Internet connection with JavaScript. A message is displayed just abov...


Published on 2020-07-12 • Modified on 2020-07-12

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In this snippet, we will see how to extract a result from an array using the array_reduce PHP function and a closure. I get all th...


Published on 2020-07-11 • Modified on 2020-07-11

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In this snippet, we will see how to get your public IP address with the Symfony HTTP client. Be careful that here, by public IP, I...


Published on 2020-07-05 • Modified on 2020-07-05

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In this snippet, we will see how to redirect all URLs of a domain to HTTPS through an Apache vhost. Be careful that I use this whe...


Published on 2020-07-04 • Modified on 2020-07-04

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In this snippet, we will see how to loop on JavaScript arrays. I will go straight to the point and show my preferred ways, the fir...


Published on 2020-06-19 • Modified on 2020-06-19

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In this snippet, we will see how to test the type of a variable in a Twig template. We will create a small extension for this purp...


Published on 2020-06-15 • Modified on 2020-06-15

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In this snippet, we will see how to test if a variable is defined with JavaScript. To correctly understand the following code, we ...


Published on 2020-06-04 • Modified on 2020-06-04

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In this snippet, we will see how to create a PostgreSQL database with an associated user of the same name. We create a user then w...


Published on 2020-05-27 • Modified on 2020-05-27

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