Code snippets

You will find here 259 code snippets I find useful so I don't have to Google ™ or Stackoverflow ™ them when I need. There are also code snippets I always forget! 😁 Sometimes, related links to the code will be available. The main difference with other random snippets you will find on the web is that in most cases (for the Symfony related ones) you will be able to run them directly from this website to check the output so you can verify it works as expected ™.

When editing an entity with the EasyAdmin bundle and having relations to other entities, sometimes you don't want to display all p...


Published on 2019-05-07 • Modified on 2019-05-07

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[Edit 2020-04-18] Vue resource is not maintained any-more, please use a third-party library like Axios. Sometimes, we need to subm...


Published on 2019-04-23 • Modified on 2020-04-20

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Sometimes validating each field of a form is not enough. In some cases you need a conditional validation. That means that the vali...


Published on 2019-03-26 • Modified on 2019-03-28

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When a bug occurs, sometimes it's hard to know from where it comes from. Having more context can help and allows to find and to re...


Published on 2019-03-19 • Modified on 2019-03-19

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Here is a clean way to do this using the URL JavaScript object. In this snippet, 1) We get the current URL 2) We create an URL obj...


Published on 2019-02-27 • Modified on 2019-02-27

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This is my first step to learn Docker in 2019 😊. This snippet comes from a Tweet of @pierstoval. I was bluffed as it was indeed re...


Published on 2019-02-12 • Modified on 2019-02-12

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Well, it's in fact the Twig helper that I am using on this website to show all the snippets. You already have a native source Twi...


Published on 2019-02-08 • Modified on 2019-02-10

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It is sometimes useful to be able to use the Symfony validation services outside of the form context. In a controller for example ...


Published on 2019-01-30 • Modified on 2019-01-30

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It is sometimes helpful to have this information. There are various ways to get the Symfony version. In CLI, we can use the bin/c...


Published on 2019-01-15 • Modified on 2023-01-06

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The trick here is that the like must be in the where clause andWhere() whereas the wildcard character % must be passed to the setP...


Published on 2019-01-08 • Modified on 2019-01-08

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