Published on 2021-10-02 • Modified on 2021-10-02

This post is different from what I use to do. It will be a reference, a "cheat sheet" mentioning all available exceptions with PHP.

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Published on 2021-04-04 • Modified on 2021-04-04

In this post, we will see how to create an end-to-end test scenario using Symfony, Panther and Vue.js with a concrete example.

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Published on 2020-06-21 • Modified on 2020-10-18

In this post, we will see how to do step by step debugging with Xdebug, Symfony and PHPStorm. We will do a basic example where we will stop the execution of the Symfony code just before rendering a template to check the data passed to it.

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Published on 2019-12-31 • Modified on 2019-12-31

In this post, we will see how to use the Symfony AbstractController that was introduced in Symfony 3.3/4.1. We will review what we used to do before and the evolutions that were done from symfony 1 to Symfony 5, especially how services were declared and used. Eventually, we will try to understand why this new "Base controller" was introduced.

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Published on 2019-01-29 • Modified on 2020-04-10

In this post, we will review one of the most used and useful service (in fact it's a value object) provided by Symfony which is the Request service Is is part of the HttpFoundation component. Symfony is indeed a "Request/Response" framework. It will be interactive, that means that you will be able to change the URL used in the examples and provide your one so you can test with different parameters. It will, therefore, save you manual dump() calls. 😉

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