Published on 2020-10-15 • Modified on 2020-10-15
In this post, we will see how to use an expression for disabling the security of a Symfony administration in the dev environment. We won't use an IP based test like the documentation explains, but we will use the application's environment instead.
Published on 2020-07-23 • Modified on 2020-07-23
In this post, we will see how to add a custom data collector in the Symfony debug bar. The debug bar, also called profiler, is one of the most useful components as it is of great help when developing. We will see a concrete case to help us improving the SEO of a website by displaying meta-information about the current page.
Published on 2020-05-15 • Modified on 2020-12-05
In this post, I will introduce you to Cw which is an acronym for "Cache Watcher". Cw is a small Go (Golang) program that watches your Symfony files and warms your cache when needed, so you don't have to wait when refreshing your browser.
Published on 2020-03-28 • Modified on 2020-03-28
In this post, we will see how to set up a CI/CD workflow for a Symfony project thanks to the GitHub actions. It will cover from configuring PHP on the runner host to launching the unit and functional tests of the Symfony application.
Published on 2019-08-23 • Modified on 2020-01-31
In this post, we will see how to hide the front controller's file name of a Symfony application so it can't be accessed when typing it: "index.php". The less the users (or hackers of course) will know about the technical implementation of your website, the better it is.