Converting a CSV file into Symfony entities

Published on 2024-07-21 • Modified on 2024-07-21

This snippet shows how to convert a CSV file into Symfony entities. Instead of manually setting each property, we can use the Symfony denormalizer. If a specific process must be done we can use a custom denormalizer.



namespace App\Controller\Snippet;

use App\Entity\Article;

 * I am using a PHP trait to isolate each snippet in a file.
 * This code should be called from a Symfony controller extending AbstractController (as of Symfony 4.2)
 * or Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller (Symfony <= 4.1).
 * Services are injected in the main controller constructor.
trait Snippet310Trait
    public function snippet310(): void
        $csvFile = \dirname(__DIR__, 3).'/data/articles.csv';
        $file = new \SplFileObject($csvFile);

        $idx = 0;
        $columns = [];

        foreach ($file as $fields) {
            // get properties' names
            if (++$idx === 1) {
                /** @var array<int|string> $columns */
                $columns = $fields;


            /** @var array<string, string> $fields */
            if (!(\count(array_filter($fields)) > 0)) { // ignore last empty line

            $entityArray = array_combine($columns, $fields);
            // prepare data before denormalization (this could be done in a custom denormalizer)
            $entityArray['active'] = (bool) $entityArray['active'];
            /** @var Article $entity */
            $entity = $this->serializer->denormalize($entityArray, Article::class);

            echo \sprintf('-- Entity %s nĀ°%d', get_debug_type($entity), $idx).PHP_EOL;
            echo \sprintf('type: %s', $entity->getType()->value).PHP_EOL;
            echo \sprintf('active: %s', $entity->active() ? 'true' : 'false').PHP_EOL;
            echo \sprintf('name: %s', $entity->getName()).PHP_EOL;
            echo \sprintf('in language: %s', $entity->active()).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;

        // That's it! šŸ˜

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