The perfect MakeFile for Symfony (at least for me! 😁)

Published on 2018-11-30 • Modified on 2021-10-10

I have always used shell (.sh) scripts to streamline all my dev tasks on Symfony projects. But I discovered (here and here) that we could use a Makefile for this. I must say It works very well because:

  • It allows documenting all your dev tasks in a single file.
  • You've got autocompletion of the tasks name as Make is a standard Unix tool.
  • The task stops as soon as an error is returned by one of the executed commands.

The file below is the one used by the project, and you can test it live to see what is the default output, which is, in fact, the "help" command that lists all that can be done. Don't forget to change the PROJECT parameter at the top of the file 😉. The nice ANSI output is done thanks to the sensiolabs/ansi-to-html library.

[Edit 2020-04-21] New entries for docker (build, sh, logs).
[Edit 2020-04-21] Added entries for Yarn/Webpack.
[Edit 2020-03-07] Nice display the ANSI output as it is in the terminal.
[BONUS] The PHP code to get the output of the system call thanks to the Symfony Process component and the ansi-to-html library.

# —— Inspired by ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# Setup ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

# Parameters
SHELL         = sh
PROJECT       = strangebuzz
HTTP_PORT     = 8000

# Executables
EXEC_PHP      = php
COMPOSER      = composer
REDIS         = redis-cli
GIT           = git
YARN          = yarn
NPX           = npx

# Alias
SYMFONY       = $(EXEC_PHP) bin/console
# if you use Docker you can replace with: "docker-compose exec my_php_container $(EXEC_PHP) bin/console"

# Executables: vendors
PHPUNIT       = ./vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPSTAN       = ./vendor/bin/phpstan
PHP_CS_FIXER  = ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer
PHPMETRICS    = ./vendor/bin/phpmetrics

# Executables: local only
SYMFONY_BIN   = symfony
BREW          = brew
DOCKER        = docker
DOCKER_COMP   = docker compose

# Executables: prod only
CERTBOT       = certbot

# Misc
.PHONY        : # Not needed here, but you can put your all your targets to be sure
                # there is no name conflict between your files and your targets.

## —— 🐝 The Strangebuzz Symfony Makefile 🐝 ———————————————————————————————————
help: ## Outputs this help screen
	@grep -E '(^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##.*$$)|(^##)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}{printf "\033[32m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' | sed -e 's/\[32m##/[33m/'

## —— Composer 🧙‍♂️ ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
install: composer.lock ## Install vendors according to the current composer.lock file
	@$(COMPOSER) install --no-progress --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader

## —— PHP 🐘 (macOS with brew) —————————————————————————————————————————————————
php-upgrade: ## Upgrade PHP to the last version
	@$(BREW) upgrade php

php-set-8-2: ## Set php 8.2 as the current PHP version
	@$(BREW) unlink php
	@$(BREW) link --overwrite php@8.2

php-set-8-3: ## Set php 8.3 as the current PHP version
	@$(BREW) unlink php
	@$(BREW) link --overwrite php@8.3

php-set-8-4: ## Set php 8.1 as the current PHP version
	@$(BREW) unlink php
	@$(BREW) link --overwrite php@8.4

# Snippet L53+14 in _127.html.twig

## —— Symfony 🎵 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
sf: ## List all Symfony commands

cc: ## Clear the cache. DID YOU CLEAR YOUR CACHE????
	@$(SYMFONY) c:c

warmup: ## Warmup the cache
	@$(SYMFONY) cache:warmup

fix-perms: ## Fix permissions of all var files
	@chmod -R 777 var/*

assets: purge ## Install the assets with symlinks in the public folder
	@$(SYMFONY) assets:install public/  # Don't use "--symlink --relative" with a Docker env

purge: ## Purge cache and logs
	@rm -rf var/cache/* var/logs/*

## —— Symfony binary 💻 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
cert-install: ## Install the local HTTPS certificates
	@$(SYMFONY_BIN) server:ca:install

serve: ## Serve the application with HTTPS support (add "--no-tls" to disable https)
	@$(SYMFONY_BIN) serve --daemon --port=$(HTTP_PORT)

unserve: ## Stop the webserver
	@$(SYMFONY_BIN) server:stop

# Snippet L90+8 => templates/blog/posts/_64.html.twig

## —— elasticsearch 🔎 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
populate: ## Reset and populate the Elasticsearch index
	#@$(SYMFONY) fos:elastica:reset
	#@$(SYMFONY) fos:elastica:populate --index=app
	@$(SYMFONY) strangebuzz:index-articles

# Snippet L102+4 => templates/blog/posts/_51.html.twig

list-index: ## List all indexes on the cluster
	@curl http://localhost:9209/_cat/indices?v

delete-index: ## Delete a given index (parameters: index=app_2021-01-05-075600")
	@curl -X DELETE "localhost:9209/$(index)?pretty"

## —— Docker 🐳 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
up: ## Start the docker hub (PHP,caddy,MySQL,redis,adminer,elasticsearch)
	$(DOCKER_COMP) up --detach

build: ## Builds the images (php + caddy)
	$(DOCKER_COMP) build --pull --no-cache

down: ## Stop the docker hub
	$(DOCKER_COMP) down --remove-orphans

check: ## Docker check
	@$(DOCKER) info > /dev/null 2>&1                                                                   # Docker is up
	@test '"healthy"' = `$(DOCKER) inspect --format "{{json .State.Health.Status }}" strangebuzz-db-1` # Db container is up and healthy

# Snippet L126+2 => templates/snippet/code/_135.html.twig

sh: ## Log to the docker container
	@$(DOCKER_COMP) exec php sh

logs: ## Show live logs
	@$(DOCKER_COMP) logs --tail=0 --follow

wait-for-mysql: ## Wait for MySQL to be ready

wait-for-elasticsearch: ## Wait for Elasticsearch to be ready

bash: ## Connect to the application container
	@$(DOCKER) container exec -it php bash

## —— Project 🐝 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
start: up wait-for-mysql load-fixtures populate serve ## Start docker, load fixtures, populate the Elasticsearch index and start the webserver

reload: load-fixtures populate ## Load fixtures and repopulate the Meilisearch index

stop: down unserve ## Stop docker and the Symfony binary server

cc-redis: ## Flush all Redis cache
	@$(REDIS) -p 6389 flushall

commands: ## Display all commands in the project namespace
	@$(SYMFONY) list $(PROJECT)

load-fixtures: ## Build the DB, control the schema validity, load fixtures and check the migration status
	@$(SYMFONY) doctrine:cache:clear-metadata
	@$(SYMFONY) doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists
	@$(SYMFONY) doctrine:schema:drop --force
	@$(SYMFONY) doctrine:schema:create
	@$(SYMFONY) doctrine:schema:validate
	@$(SYMFONY) hautelook:fixtures:load --no-interaction

init-snippet: ## Initialize a new snippet
	@$(SYMFONY) $(PROJECT):init-snippet

## —— Tests ✅ —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
test: phpunit.xml check ## Run tests with optionnal suite and filter
	@$(eval testsuite ?= 'all')
	@$(eval filter ?= '.')
	@$(PHPUNIT) --testsuite=$(testsuite) --filter=$(filter) --stop-on-failure

# Snippet L171+4 => templates/blog/posts/_123.html.twig + templates/blog/posts/_178.html.twig

test-all: phpunit.xml ## Run all tests
	@$(PHPUNIT) --stop-on-failure

## —— Coding standards ✨ ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————
cs: fix-php fix-js stan ## Run all coding standards checks

static-analysis: stan ## Run the static analysis (PHPStan)

stan: ## Run PHPStan
	@$(PHPSTAN) analyse -c configuration/phpstan.neon --memory-limit 1G

lint-php: ## Lint files with php-cs-fixer
	@$(PHP_CS_FIXER) fix --allow-risky=yes --dry-run --config=php-cs-fixer.php

fix-php: ## Fix files with php-cs-fixer
	@PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 $(PHP_CS_FIXER) fix --allow-risky=yes --config=php-cs-fixer.php

## —— Deploy & Prod 🚀 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
deploy: ## Full no-downtime deployment with EasyDeploy (with pre-deploy Git hooks)
	@test -z "`git status --porcelain`"                 # Prevent deploy if there are modified or added files
	@test -z "`git diff --stat --cached origin/master`" # Prevent deploy if there is something to push on master
	@$(SYMFONY) deploy -v                               # Deploy with EasyDeploy

# Snippet L196+4 => templates/snippet/code/_128.html.twig

env-check: ## Check the main ENV variables of the project
	@printenv | grep -i app_

le-renew: ## Renew Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificates
	@$(CERTBOT) --apache -d -d

## —— Yarn 🐱 / JavaScript —————————————————————————————————————————————————————
dev: ## Rebuild assets for the dev env
	@$(YARN) install --check-files
	@$(YARN) run encore dev

watch: ## Watch files and build assets when needed for the dev env
	@$(YARN) run encore dev --watch

encore: ## Build assets for production
	@$(YARN) run encore production

lint-js: ## Lints JS coding standarts
	@$(NPX) eslint assets/js

fix-js: ## Fixes JS files
	@$(NPX) eslint assets/js --fix

## —— Stats 📜 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
stats: ## Commits by the hour for the main author of this project
	@$(GIT) log --author="$(GIT_AUTHOR)" --date=iso | perl -nalE 'if (/^Date:\s+[\d-]{10}\s(\d{2})/) { say $$1+0 }' | sort | uniq -c|perl -MList::Util=max -nalE '$$h{$$F[1]} = $$F[0]; }{ $$m = max values %h; foreach (0..23) { $$h{$$_} = 0 if not exists $$h{$$_} } foreach (sort {$$a <=> $$b } keys %h) { say sprintf "%02d - %4d %s", $$_, $$h{$$_}, "*"x ($$h{$$_} / $$m * 50); }'

## —— JWT 🕸 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
BEARER    = `cat ./config/jwt/bearer.txt`
PORT      = :8000

jwt-generate-keys: ## Generate the main JWT ket set (you can use the "lexik:jwt:generate-keypair" command now)
	@mkdir -p config/jwt
	@openssl genpkey -out ./config/jwt/private.pem -aes256 -algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
	@openssl pkey -in ./config/jwt/private.pem -out ./config/jwt/public.pem -pubout

jwt-create-ok: ## Create a JWT for a valid test account (you can use the "lexik:jwt:generate-token" command now)
	@curl -s POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" ${BASE_URL}${PORT}/api/login_check -d '{"username":"reader","password":"test"}' | jq .token | sed "s/\"//g"

jwt-create-nok: ## Login attempt with wrong credentials
	@curl -s POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" ${BASE_URL}${PORT}/api/login_check -d '{"username":"foo","password":"bar"}' | jq

jwt-test: ./config/jwt/bearer.txt ## Test a JWT token to access an API Platform resource
	@curl -s GET -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER}" ${BASE_URL}${PORT}/api/books/1 | jq

# Snippet L231+17 => templates/blog/posts/_126.html.twig

## —— Code Quality reports 📊 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————
report-metrics: ## Run the phpmetrics report
	@$(PHPMETRICS) --report-html=var/phpmetrics/ src/

coverage: ## Create the code coverage report with PHPUnit
	$(EXEC_PHP) -d xdebug.enable=1 -d xdebug.mode=coverage -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html=var/coverage

	echo 'Making $(@)...'
	echo 'Making $@...'
Bonus, the snippet to run this code: 🎉


namespace App\Controller\Snippet;

use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\AnsiToHtmlConverter;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

 * I am using a PHP trait to isolate each snippet in a file.
 * This code should be called from a Symfony controller extending AbstractController (as of Symfony 4.2)
 * or Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller (Symfony <= 4.1).
 * Services are injected in the main controller constructor.
 * @property KernelInterface $kernel
 * @see
trait Snippet8Trait
    public function snippet8(): void
        $process = new Process([

        echo (new AnsiToHtmlConverter())->convert($process->getOutput()); // That's it! 😁

 Run this snippet  ≪ this.showUnitTest ? this.trans.hide_unit_test : this.trans.show_unit_test ≫  More on Stackoverflow   Read the doc  More on the web

  Work with me!



namespace App\Tests\Integration\Controller\Snippets;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

 * @see Snippet
final class Snippet8Test extends KernelTestCase
    protected function setUp(): void

     * @see Snippet8Trait::snippet8
    public function testSnippet8(): void
        $process = new Process(['make', '-f', self::$kernel->getProjectDir().'/Makefile']);
        self::assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase('The Strangebuzz Symfony Makefile', $process->getOutput());

Call to action

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Thank you for reading! And see you soon on Strangebuzz! 😉
