Calculating the number of days until the end of the year with PHP
Published on 2023-06-21 • Modified on 2023-06-21
This snippet show how to calculate the number of days until the end of the year with PHP. PHP correctly calculates the "z" format even when it's a leap year and will add one day when required.
namespace App\Controller\Snippet;
* I am using a PHP trait to isolate each snippet in a file.
* This code should be called from a Symfony controller extending AbstractController (as of Symfony 4.2)
* or Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller (Symfony <= 4.1).
* Services are injected in the main controller constructor.
trait Snippet262Trait
public function snippet262(): void
$today = new \DateTime('today');
$lastDayOfYear = new \DateTime(date('Y-12-31'));
$daysLeft = (int) $lastDayOfYear->format('z') - (int) $today->format('z');
$isLeapYear = (bool) $today->format('L');
echo 'Today: '.$today->format('Y-m-d').PHP_EOL;
echo $today->format('Y').($isLeapYear ? ' IS' : ' IS NOT').' a leap year.'.PHP_EOL;
echo "There are $daysLeft day(s) until the end of year! Hurry up! (excluding the current day)";
// That's it! 😁
Run this snippet ≪ this.showUnitTest ? this.trans.hide_unit_test : this.trans.show_unit_test ≫ More on Stackoverflow Read the doc More on the web
namespace App\Tests\Integration\Controller\Snippets;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
* @see Snippet262Trait
final class Snippet262Test extends KernelTestCase
* @return iterable<int, array{0: string, 1: int}>
public function provideSnippet262(): iterable
// leap year
yield ['2020-01-01', 365];
yield ['2020-02-01', 334];
yield ['2020-02-28', 307];
yield ['2020-02-29', 306];
yield ['2020-03-01', 305];
// Normal year
yield ['2023-01-01', 364];
yield ['2023-02-01', 333];
yield ['2023-02-28', 306];
yield ['2023-03-01', 305]; // count since march are identical
* @see Snippet262Trait::snippet262
* @dataProvider provideSnippet262
public function testSnippet262(string $date, int $expected): void
$today = new \DateTime($date);
$lastDayOfYear = new \DateTime(date(\sprintf('%s-12-31', $today->format('Y'))));
$daysLeft = (int) $lastDayOfYear->format('z') - (int) $today->format('z');
self::assertSame($expected, $daysLeft, 'Wrong count for '.$date);
Call to action
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