Sortie du snippet Symfony "Mon template de commande Symfony"

Environnement :

  • Strangebuzz Snippet VM : 6.4.9
  • Symfony : 6.4.6

Sortie du code exécuté :

Shows the current application version number.


 ! [NOTE] strangebuzz 6.4.9                                                     

Let test the SymfonyStyle for CLI now, this is a section

This is a title

 This is a block                                                                

 This is a text (two new lines before)

 // This is a comment                                                           

 ! [CAUTION] This is a caution                                                  

 [ERROR] This is an error                                                       

 [INFO] This is an info                                                         

 ! [NOTE] This is a note                                                        

 * this
 * is
 * a
 * listing

 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
  This       is         a          table     
 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
  Cell 1-1   Cell 1-2   Cell 1-3   Cell 1-4  
  Cell 2-1   Cell 2-2   Cell 2-3   Cell 2-4  
  Cell 3-1   Cell 3-2   Cell 2-3   Cell 3-4  
 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 

 ------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 
  This is an         Cell 1-1   Cell 2-1   Cell 3-1  
  horizontal Table   Cell 1-2   Cell 2-2   Cell 3-2  
 ------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- 

 --------------- -------------- 
  This is a definition list     
  foo1            bar1          
  foo2            bar2          
  foo3            bar3          
 --------------- -------------- 
  with keys => values           
  foo4            bar4          
 --------------- -------------- 

 [OK] This is a success                                                         

That's all folks!