Using a high order function to filter a JavaScript array

Published on 2019-11-15 • Modified on 2019-11-15

This is an example of modern usage of JavaScript and functional programming you must know to produce concise and readable code. In this case, we filter an array on one of the properties of the objects it contains. Then, we display the labels of the filtered array. The goal is to avoid using loops and creating new functions.

 * I am using a JavaScript module to isolate the code of each snippet.
 * In fact it's a Vue.js mixin. Take the code called by the mounted()
 * or the snippetXX() function.
export default {
  methods: {
    snippet55 () {
      const todos = [
        { label: 'Call mum', type: 'todo', isUrgent: true },
        { label: 'Buy food', type: 'tobuy', isUrgent: false },
        { label: 'Write a new snippet', type: 'todo', isUrgent: true }
      const isUrgent = todo => todo.isUrgent
      const urgents = todos.filter(isUrgent)
      console.log('Urgent todos are: ' + => todo.label).join(', ')) // That's it! 😁
  mounted () {
    if (this.isArticle(55)) {

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