Accessing the logged user in a Twig template

Published on 2021-03-27 • Modified on 2021-03-27

In this snippet, we will see how to access the logged user in a Twig template. This can be you through the app Twig global variable. You can test if the app.user variable is null but you can also use the rights helpers which is a better practice.

{% if app.user is null %}
    <h3>No user logged for now!</h3>
{% else %}
    <h3>Username {{ app.user.username }}</h3>
{% endif %}


<h3>Username: {{ app.user.username ?? 'Anonymous user' }}</h3>


{% if is_granted("ROLE_USER") %}
    <h3>Hi {{ app.user.username }}! Whow are you doing?</h3>
{% else %}
    <h3>ROLE_USER is not granted to the current user.</h3>
{% endif %}
HTML demo of the snippet

No user logged for now!


Username: Anonymous user


ROLE_USER is not granted to the current user.

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